Surfaces are morphed by imposing points "A" on surfaces to coincide with points "B" outside while respecting surface quality and tangency relationship with adjacent surfaces
Surfaces are morphed using Start and End Curves as reference. Either complete Surfaces or portions of Surfaces can be transformed.
Construct a Reference Surface (brown) for the Complex Surface (grey). Construct modified Reference Surface with desired angular twist to be imposed on the Complex Surface(s). Automatically generate morphed Complex Surface (red).
Impose very fine control over shape morphing operation by rotating terminal surfaces by varying amounts while maintaining surface curvature characteristics
Easily identify areas to be morphed and not morphed. Order of morphing is not pre-determined. It is completely flexible and can be done in any order
Morph aesthetic surfaces while respecting quality characteristics of Original Surface. G0 to G4 curvature continuity is automatically maintained
Changes made to Original Model after it was morphed, can be automatically propagated to the original morphed model to generate the new morphed model
Morph surfaces along mold parting lines to prevent closed mold condition. Reduces days worth of manual work to minutes.
Morphing provides a convenient approach for quickly creating the tool matching the mold profile